Going Deeper

Want to get deeper in relationships with others? Want to grow in faith and trust in Jesus? We believe life is best done in community.

We regularly spend time together outside of Sundays.

We meet regularly in each other's homes to eat, hang out, pray, and study the Bible. It might be obvious that we grow in faith through praying and reading the Bible. But according to Hebrews 10:24-25, it’s also through fellowship with other believers:

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." 

We love to help people grow in their understanding of the Bible, who they are and who God is. Whether you’ve been a Christian for years, just coming back to church after a break or you’re just dipping a toe in to learn more, we have something for you.

New to Christianity?

We run regular courses on the basics of the Christian faith. Alpha, Hope Explored, Christianity Explored, Life Explored are some of the courses we use. Lasting between 3-7 weeks, we meet to eat, watch a video series, and discuss what we’ve watched. Maybe you’ve come from another religion, were raised an atheist, or went to church as a child…you are welcome, no matter what your background is. We would love you to come along with your questions, doubts, comments or struggles!

New to City Church or Manchester?

First Connect is a ten-week study and space for those new to the Christian faith, new to City Church or only around for a short time. Together, we aim to grow in our faith and knowledge of God’s Word, connect with others and find ways to get plugged in. A great way to make friends and get to know God’s Word better.

Regular or Member?

Maybe you’ve been around for a while? Maybe you’d like to get deeper in your faith and get plugged in even more to life at City Church?

  • Connect Groups

We meet in groups right across the city to spend time together, eat, pray, study God’s word and help encourage each other in our Christian faith. 

  • Discipleship Groups

Throughout the year, women-only and men-only small groups meet to study God’s word and pray together. 

  • One-to-ones

Meet with a more mature Christian to pray, talk or study the Bible together.

  • Book Clubs

Meet with other women to read and discuss a Christian book.

For information on all these option, fill in this form and we’ll help you access the best one for you. 

By gathering together and encouraging one another, we can strengthen our faith and walk closer with Christ.

Up next:


Do you want to get to know others? Do you want to grow in your faith?

Up next:

Going Deeper

Want to get deeper in relationships with others? Want to grow in faith and trust in Jesus? We believe life is best done in community.

Up next:

New to the UK?

Welcome to City Church! We're so happy you're here. God's love knows no borders. So we are dedicated to being a welcoming community, reaching out and serving people from all nations and backgrounds.

Up next:


We do believe the church should help with teaching and training kids. But, actually, most of our help for parents and carers is done through relationships.

Up next:


We love our young people and want to help them grow into the people God has made them to be, equipped to face the challenges ahead of them.

Up next:


We love students. We want to help you belong to a community, figure out what to believe and become who God made you to be.

Up next:


We love God. We want to spend time with him in prayer to grow in intimacy, dependence and expectation for what he can do.